Our adult ministries are designed to help others connect together and connect to Jesus Christ. We not only nurture your faith, but we help you grow and make a difference.
Adult Ministries
Adult Ministries
Our adult ministries are designed to help others connect together and connect to Jesus Christ. We not only nurture your faith, but we help you grow and make a difference.
Small Groups
Life is not meant to be lived alone. We believe that God has designed us for intimate community. Through this community we share life. Small Groups provide us with the chance to get to know each other better and offers healing support as we learn, grow, mourn, rejoice, and live life. Join a Small Group today!
Our church small groups are set up on Churchcenter. To look at all of our small groups, Click HERE
Worship Team Members
Worship team members have a very distinct role in leading others in worship. They must be able to display an enthusiasm about worship by engaging the people to sing, clap, raising hands and to express themselves in a manner worthy of the Lord. Rehearsals for the worship team are each Sunday morning beginning at 8:15 am in the sanctuary.
Praise Band
Praise Band brings a level of excitement to our worship service. This group is made up of musicians, high school age and above. If you play an instrument and would be willing to serve in this capacity, this may be the group for you.
Joy Seekers Adult Ministry
"The joy of the Lord is your strength" Nehemiah 8:10
Ministers to all Senior Adults and Shut-Ins through . . .
-Communion and Anointing
-Phone Call Ministry
-Birthday and Anniversary Recognition
-Advisory Committee
-Retro Voices
-Scheduled Dinners and Events